
2. Batman

Yesterday my friend Suski asked me to come with them to an art event in Helsinki. The point was to take your drawing equipment with and draw in one of the Kallio's bars, Lepakkomies (lepakko=bat, mies=man so the name translates as batman :D). There also was a theme Soviet Russia, so they played some Soviet music and the model was dressed in a... umm maybe not so traditional Russian costume but still XD

I don't draw at all but all the other I hanged with have gone to an art school or just draw a lot in their free time. But who cares, it was a nice evening and even tho I'm a very poor at drawing anything (seriously, if I try to draw lets say a pig people will think it's a dog) I actually tried yesterday :__D the drinks were cheap too :D My outfit for the event~~

I love the hoody, I bought it during my exchange year but there haven't been that many chances to wear it as it's extremely warm. However now when we dont have a proper the winter (it's plus grades, in Finland, in December?!?? -__-") you can go out wearing a leather jacket and the hoody is perfect to wear under it!!

There we go with Suski, waiting for the underground~

They also had some competitions during the night and our group happened to win the group sketch! OMG I'm sure it was totally because of my amazing skills X///D We got Fazer chocolate package as a present and ate the whole 500g..... After the Christmas I had sworn not to eat any chocolate for a year or so (Finnish christmas=you stay home/visit  relatives and eat for 3 days) but yeah.. Chocolate is good<3

Pictures of the stage and sketches!

Then some more mirror teen whore pics of myself~~ I bought the black shirt at a second-hand store I went with my lilsister earlier this weak (monday I think...?)! I love it, I can make a post later and show the other clothes I found there!

Today evening I'll do something special with a group of friends as it's my birthday yey! I'm not one of those ppl who love B-days/christmas/name days etc (actually I didnt remember it was my bday before my mom came to me like "happy bday~"..!!), but as the last two years I've been in Japan and even had fever when I turned 18, which is a kinda important day in here cuz you will be of age then, I thought this year I'll celebrate probably :D

I'll tell you later what we did hohohoho! Btw Thank You for following ( ;___; )<3 It means so much to me~

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