
4. Happy New Year!!

So the day before yesterday I went to Erica's, her dad had that pre- New Years Eve party thing and she had invited some friends over too ♪  I live quite far away from the place so I drove there and gave up the drinking for the night hahaha

It always is a bit awkward to be the only sober person among all the drunks (not that it would happen that often XD) that are having such a good time laughing at everything and everyone but I managed, like a master! No, it was a nice evening and I love driving, particularly the feeling when u speed alone the nightly streets~~ The look of the day!

Then there was yesterday, the New Year's Eve! In the morning  I went to the work (not to the school, I have been cleaning the office where my mom works for about three years now) and later the same day we gathered to Erica's again before leaving for DTM and the party night!! Cuz of the big night the tram I took to Tehtaankatu (aka Erica's) had changed its usual route so I had to walk for 15 minutes instead of two seconds to get there, but I walked with a random (but attractive haha) woman who was heading near the same place so it wasnt that boring in the end B)

DTM was pretty crowded as it was the bar's last day at Iso Roobertinkatu so I got across with many unexpected acquaintances, which was nice tho! Since I've spent the last two New Years in Japan I'd have loved to see some amazing fireworks, but nobody was that keen on seeing them and all just wanted to be in the bar so I stayed with them and didnt go outside alone D:::

For me the fireworks are the thing that really make the New Year's Eve, but well, I've seen them many times already XDD So what's the big deal...!

New Year's Eve outfit! I love the jeans, I found them at last year's sales (Ginatricot). A bit like horse-riding pants~ the only minus is that they dont have any pockets >,<" The belt was bought in Japan, 109 part 2 has an amazing accessory store at the top floor that sells belts, caps and bags! Pure love, I have bought there two bags and other belts too<3

At the edge of the year when the screens started to show the time till the change it hit me. What had I been doing the whole year?? Normally in the end it feels you've achieved something. Something that would have changed your life. A lot of new friends, a new relationship, a new school maybe...

I couldnt think of anything.

The 2010 had been great, I had just got back from Japan and felt I lived more than ever, got many new friends and became more like the person I had always wanted to be. The 2009 was even more fabulous, my exchange had changed every single thing in my life. But 2011 was just... months and days that passed by. Sure, I had had a great deal of fun but nothing significant had happened in my life. PANIC.

So that's maybe a good start for 2012. I have finished my school and have no idea about the future so everything is possible and I'm sure this year will contain a lot of traveling and meeting exciting ppl that will change everything~

AND btw I just got an email from my host family today!!! Havent checked it out yet but I'm very excited wooooh!! What will it have to say??!?

If I should make a promise or wish etc for this year, I'd try to be more true to myself. Not to care about what others might think of you and do what feels right for you to do. It's my life anyways. My big problem is to think too much and let the critique let me down easily so that needs to be changed! I also decided to start a 'book' where i'd write one good thing of each day for the whole year :__D So in the end of 2012 I'd have 365 positive thoughts collected yey

The night had its ups and downs but the overall impression was good. I had whole a lot of drinks but not too much and I left the bar and got back by the 3:40 a.m.'s bus with Veera. I got to sleep at 5 am but it was okay since today is a day off~~~ welcome 2012 haha

And here some pics I couldnt upload in the last entry, from the B-day party on the 29th!!

All the amazing presents (   ´,`)~<3 Some nail jewelry and nail polish (the white one is graffiti) from Oona, three earrings (Emma had made the red shoe - ones by herself, my respectfulness), the coolest ring ever from Suski (see below) and the movie Burlesque I had wanted to see for some time from Kukka! Note also the amazing cards!! (one with the girl drawn by Kukka and the other one with the drunken fox by Suski)

To the foods *www* From above: Oona's tori no kara-age (deep-fried chicken), me and Suski's sukiyaki ;_;<3 (yeah all the food for two of us :___DD) and then the half of the eaters!!

This day I've been just watching the Big Bang Theory (I just ordered the box with all the 4 seasons :D) in my pajamas and took the dog out. She was still scared of the fireworks so she didnt want to go far but started to pull backwards to the direction of our home XDD you poor thing!!

So maybe tomorrow I'll go and check out some SALES! Or then I'll just continue my new eat-sleep-computer-eat-computer-sleep-computer -daily routine ha

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