
9. One week to go

Like it says in the headline, I have exactly 7 days until leaving! Actually this time next week I'll already be closer to Japan than Finland, whuuuuuuuuhh!!!

So what I've been doing pretty much is working, partying and seeing friends now that I still am here! Last two days I've been having this feeling I'd have so much to do, packing etc, answering mails and making sure I have everything ready for the journey, but always when I think probably, I notice there is pretty much nothing I could do XD an unpleasant feeling D:

The one-year-insurance I took started from today, I went to the dentist to get my teeth checked after work (I had had some ache in one tooth >,<") and did some bank stuff too! So it's been a productive day altogether~

Til now I was thinking of taking my own guitar with me to Tokyo, but I just checked the prizes from Finnair's homepage and it would cost 56 euros direction !??! Maybe I should just buy a new one there.... my budget would love it. Well I have still time to make the decision but I just cant stay 3 months without being able to play >,<

In the weekend I also started to think about the earthquakes and stuff, how I really dont have anything figured out for my stay, just hanging around and meeting ppl... I need things to do to keep myself happy, so there were some days I was pretty worried about that all :S also my host family hasnt answered to my mail where i asked if the day of my arriving would be good....!!

Now it's fine tho :DD I'm starting to get exhilarated, I just love the thought of myself, alone in my own apartment and own lazy days, own plans and own decisions! Well Tokyo is neither new nor unknown, more like a familiar home city, but I love it deeply, and I do count myself as a city person rather than someone who enjoys living in the woods, so enjoyment is guaranteed~

I guess we'll just let see what those 3 months have to offer---! Anyway I'm pretty sure it will be something more than i'd get by only staying here in Finland. At least I expect and hope so.

OH and I've already talked with some of my japanese friends and decided meeting days etc ;www; it is so absurd, I'm still in Finland but have done plans for my life in Japan!! makes this all feel like it's happening for real XD

The week has gone by so so fast, during the days i've been working hard (today i got a substitution in history and tomorrow in music :33) and every evening has been filled with dates with friends. Cant believe it's Friday tomorrow...! Not complaining tho :D My last weekend in here for a little while!!

On saturday my friend Jaana will have a house-warming party and then on sunday I'll hang out with some other friends, so i still will meet the most of my friends before leaving. Tomorrow i'll see Suski after a looooong time (well after a week i think..? thats quite something) and we'll watch moviezzzzz.

I'll make another post soon and put the pics from this week in it, i'm so tired right now ('' z ,z)
So good night now!!!!